Paraguay should be the most miserable place on earth -- and yet a recent Gallop poll shows that it is the happiest, at least in terms of a positive emotional feeling (what we term "hedonic happiness").
If Job were a country, it would have to be Guatemala. This little land (the size of Tennessee) suffers plagues of biblical proportions so frequently as to become mundane if not banal. Seismic instability gives rise to the picturesque landscape, and the lush valleys are shadowed by active volcanoes and lay on top of major fault lines. And, looking a bit beyond the verdant fields and colorful dress of the natives, we find crushing poverty.
The murder rate in Guatemala City is 108 per 100,000; this is twice the rate for Baghdad; the comparable figures for New York and Berlin are 6.5 and 1.5. Over 1 in every thousand people in Guatemala City is killed every year—and virtually no one is prosecuted.
And yet, Guatemalans report high levels of quotidian happiness. As I argue in my new book The Good Life, this is partly explained through adaptation to circumstances -- our hedonic happiness is relative to the norms of daily life. We adjust our daily expectations to what is “reasonable” for us and our circumstances, and adapt our daily contentment and hedonic happiness to that norm. It is also a function of culture, of aspirations and visions of the future.
A lot gets lost in translating the lived experiences of
wellbeing and deprivation (joy and pain, hopes and fears) into the numerical
metrics of such rankings. From an anthropological perspective, what is lost is
often what is most important: a subjective understanding of what people value,
what their view of the good life is and could be, the pathways they see for
realizing their aspirations. Perhaps the subjective aspects of wellbeing are
fundamentally different from the more objective and material factors (such as
income and health), even if those material conditions partially determine the
horizons of one’s aspirations.